After the Storm
Of Fire, Wind and Wisdom
A: An Autopsy

- A, is for Anomaly
- Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- Adman by day, music writer by night. Closet metalhead on weekends. You may find me weird, but that's just probably you.
Tuesday, January 20, 2015
Forgive us, God.
When reality hits hard, then only we seek solace to Him.
Funny when we actually know this all too well. We screw up, we get upset, then wee seek Him. Only to forget Him when all things seem to improve. Yet we never learn.
I/We seek my/our way home to Him. God please help her, grant her ease during this turbulent time.
Saturday, November 1, 2014
Oh, decisions.
Wednesday, June 25, 2014
Maybe I'm just going through repetition.
Sunday, November 24, 2013
Hei, apa jadi?
Friday, August 2, 2013
Ramadan & Syawal: Untuk Mereka Yang Terlupa Pengertiannya
Kenapa Ramadan/Raya sangat bermakna untuk kanak-kanak? Sebab jiwa diorang suci and they can see right through it. Takde pretentious and shit. Just straight from their heart. Enjoy :)
Kemudian, datang brief baru untuk TVC Raya pulak. Gua sebenarnya mati akal. Raya tak menarik pada gua kecuali biskut chocolate chip dan daging dendeng mak gua. Lain daripada tu apa ada? Gua tak suka beraya. Gua tak suka ajak orang datang beraya. Pendek kata, Raya gua adalah Raya versi solitary. Lantas gua share kepada team sewaktu kami diskus tentang hala tuju TVC Raya. Tentang bagaimana seawal pagi Raya Pertama gua bersarapan pancake McD, kemudian naik LRT dari Ampang Park ke Kelana Jaya semata-mata nak buang masa, sambung maraton movie di KLCC sampai malam. Cerita gua mengundang rasa pelik, kenapa macam sekali raya awak? Tanya diorang. Gua jawab, I don't like people. Raya takde makna. Raya adalah masa untuk gua jauhkan diri daripada orang. I don't know what happened after that sebab gua terpaksa bahagi concentration dekat ongoing project yang lain. Gua tak tau la TVC ni berdasarkan cerita gua ke apa, tapi from some perspective it rings true. Kahkah macam perasan la pulak. But whatever. Macam mana? Nilaikan la.
Salam Aidilfitri!
Thursday, July 18, 2013
Jawapan Teragung
Ada setengah jam lagi masa akan tamat. Bahagian subjektif Sains tingkatan 3 masih banyak yang lompang tak berisi.
Ni semua salah Shahrul Mansor, suruh aku training ragbi hari-hari sampai melepek, bengong! Ucop sempat menyalahkan jurulatih ragbinya. Sebab kepenatan training, Ucop selalu terlelap sewaktu prep lantas tak study.
Jari Ucop pantas memutar-mutar pen menulis sebelum tiba-tiba berhenti. Ucop genggam dengan kukuh. Tersenyum lebar.
Aku dah dapat jawapan kepada semua ni.
'Hanya Allah yang mengetahui jawapannya'
Ucop tonyoh jawapan kepada semua soalan yang belum terjawab. Ucop senyum dan berkata dalam hati, takkan cikgu nak kata jawapan ni salah pulak kan? Berani pulak dia nak lawan ketentuan Tuhan!
Ucop angkat tangan, serahkan kertas jawapan dan berlalu keluar puas. A yang solid dalam genggaman!
Sent by Maxis from my BlackBerry® smartphone
Thursday, March 28, 2013
Becoming the Voice
My pessimist self sees this as an attempt to sabotage my career, while my optimist self assures this is just another learning opportunity. But let's be serious, that shit is hard as fuck. But that's just another story.
Few days ago, as one of the effort to familiarize myself with the brand (or as the female Suits call it, initiation ceremony), I followed my mentor for a VO recording. And then, came the revelation.
I always like to spend time talking to my mentor in person, because she's kinda reminding me of my mother (minus the loud voice and all lol), friendly and like any mother, full of knowledge. I think she already knew my hesitation to help them and so I got pep talked during the journey back to the office. The conversation went more or less like this.
'Advertising ni kita boleh anggap tempat a gathering place of failed play writers, pelakon, and all. We have the ability to produce all play, drama, stories tapi most of us tak dapat realisasikan tu sebab...kekangan kerja. Saya nak buat buku tapi sampai sekarang tertangguh. Anyway, as a writer kamu kena assume macam-macam voice dan identiti. Variasi. Berubah ikut brand yang kita kerja. Kalau banking tone dia lain, telco lain, cosmetics lain. Bila menulis, kita bukan menulis apa yang kita nak, tapi kita jadi voice of the brand.'
That hit the spot. I mean I know that for a long time but I never really experience that myself, until now. Be the voice for them, not for yourself. Kalau nak syok sendiri, buat lagi novel. Tak pun jadi pemuisi 140pp Twitter.
I don't know how long I will get involved but now I see it as a blessing in disguise. An opportunity to learn. Might be good for my repo as well.
'Saya tunggu writer sorang lagi, entah bila nak surface. Asyik berenang je' she shot me a meaningful look.
I think its time to crack out the shell and fly. No more comfort zone and shit.
About damn time.
Sent by Maxis from my BlackBerry® smartphone