A: An Autopsy

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Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Adman by day, music writer by night. Closet metalhead on weekends. You may find me weird, but that's just probably you.

I quit smoking and proud of it

Thursday, October 20, 2011

True Metal shirts are always littered with spelling and grammatical error

Baju Eluveitie 'Kernunnos' dah sampai. Design depan lawa dengan api, kepala Ibex bagai. Kat belakang ada pulak ada macam Druid spell... sekali ada typo error! Fuck! Malu saya dibuatnya!


Contramen said...

nice! pastu org kata baju cop sendiri..wahahaha

A, is for Anomaly said...

biasalah,orang tak mampu memang selalu bagi komen macam ni.

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