A: An Autopsy

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Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Adman by day, music writer by night. Closet metalhead on weekends. You may find me weird, but that's just probably you.

I quit smoking and proud of it

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


It's very upsetting, when you discover people only come to you when they are desperate or in a very bad situation. Later on, they will forget you as if you were never exists. As odd as it sounds, it's fucking true. I call it, a touch and go friend. No, they don't even deserve to be called friend. Not even a bit.

Now tell me, how would you react to such people? I say fuck 'em. True, they really need your help, but do they really deserve your help? No they don't. I rather laugh at them and say 'Wake up, don't be such a baby'. Why should I pity them? Why the fuck would I go into trouble to save you, are we even friends?

For me, there only two options, be a good friend, or don't be friend at all. If only they can see it, life would be much simpler. Now make your choice. Oh, jangan nak melenting pulak kalau orang refuse nak tolong lu. Sedar diri sikit.

A side story:

Finally, after struggling (and battling with my gastritis and imbalance disease at the same time) to obtain my driving license, I passed the the JPJ on 21st May (cite basi gua tau!), most importantly it's on my momma's birthday. Mom, this one is for you *emo*. 3 weeks after that baru lesen siap. The hell lembab sial. Ye ye ye toksah nak persoal pehal lambat sangat umur dah lanjut baru nak ada lesen. Wahkahkah, gua pakai duit gua sendiri ngoi, lu orang ada ke nak buat camtu? La ni dah pass semua gua duk consider nak pakai keta apa,since gua sebenarnya dah fed up travel by train (kena pulak sejak kena imbalance disease ni,fucking hassle sial). Kalau ikutkan sekarang pun dah boleh beli kereta, tapi gua rasa keadaan belum sesuai untuk gua memiliki kenderaan, atas sebab-sebab tertentu lah. Satu puncanya selagi karier tak mantap (yakni bergaji lebat), dan sebagainya, gua refuse nak amik risk. Hidup biar teratur (mak gua selalu cakap gua ni agak organised gak la berbanding ngan adik-adik lain hahah) dan ada perancangan. Toksah risau, gua dah ada everything lined up, dan satu-satu gua akan laksanakan. Orang kata, lek lu,sap kok lu!Hahah! Karier di NSTP dah jejak 6 bulan, another 6 months to go until confirmation. Nak kata gua sayang NSTP takde ah, nak kata tak suka tu takde ah kahkah. Its just ever since I've been working there, I've been plagued with diseases yang tak pernah gua kena. Gastrik? Kena gastrik? Memang gua masa mula-mula discover macam freaked out ah. Nak jadi cerita kena pulak imbalance disorder aka vertigo (pegi wiki tq). Gua rasa macam everything is ruined dan bikin gua jadi tak semangat. Gua sukar nak berjalan dengan betul, most of the time rasa nak muntah (macam pregnant!) dan menggigil. Weekend gua hanya dihabiskan kat rumah dan band practice (menda ni even affect drumming ability gua sobsob). Tapi gua belajar satu la, willpower memang mengatasi segalanya. Despite dengan sakit-sakit semua ni, gua berjaya gak obtain lesen gua (masa drive memang kepala nak cecah steering dah), gua paksa gak diri pegi kerja (jalan macam half drunk monkey) dan paling penting, gua dapat gak selesaikan gig pertama Raptor sejak reform semula. Gua rasa semua ni impossible nak harung kalau takde willpower. Fuck yeah. Ah gua ngantuk ah nak tido zzzzzzzzzzzz.

Ok cop cop, gua sebenarnya masih takut memandu wahahahaha!Macam sial.


Ezza Afiqa said...

apa yang cerita pasal aku nya do? semuannya pasal kau. hampeh.

A, is for Anomaly said...

Oh you know what?I lied.hahah~

Nusantara said...

sama laa kita, aku pun umor dah lanjot tapi baru plan nak ambik lesen kereta.. biar laa orang lain cakap, apesal lambat ambik?? AKU PAKAI DUIT SENDIRI WEII!! TAKDE ORANG SPONSOR, NOW SHADAP!!

second, aku pun diganggui gastritis sejak januari, ya aku yg kena dulu, pastu tiba2 kau pun kena, skarang still ade tapi dah banyak kurang, hopefully hilang terus, takleh blah kalau ade gastritis, semak!!

A, is for Anomaly said...

I second that,sir! Lagi bermakna kalau kita usaha sendiri, and reap the fruit of labor by ourselves!baru tau susah senangnya.

weh gastrik aku mai balik siut.teruk aku hari sabtu ari tu,nak jalan pun susah ahuhuuuuuuuu!

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